Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Betas and Badasses!

      So this week is starting off on a weird foot. Daughter got sick over the weekend and had to stay home. This allowed me to do some catching up on gaming news and get some computer maintenance done that I have been neglecting. Ever since I got the new desk (See Imgur post: I have been able to manage my gaming space a lot easier. The new desk is so boss and absolutely love it. I honestly can't thank my coworker enough for helping with the project.

Them Betas!

      On Monday I was able to finally read more into the Overwatch new progression system and unlocks. While I must say I am intrigued, I am also not impressed.... mostly cause I don't have beta access. In some ways it feels like they are rehashing old progression systems and making them look new. At the same time, any opinions on game balance can't be derived from reading articles and patch notes. The new maps sound cool and hope they bring some more depth to the game, along with the new game mode. Once I get the chance to play I will have a more informed opinion.

      As of late that has become my mentality towards all games. Until I have had a chance to test or demo the game, I will reserve judgement and even hype. Lately, too many games have failed on their delivery in my opinion. Closest one to mind is Destiny. This game was overly hyped and it ended up just being a big let down. It improved by a slight margin when Taken King expansion came out. In the end, it felt like Destiny 1.0 was a beta.... a very long beta. Don't get me wrong, Destiny is fun when played with friends and other people. However, to me, Bungie did an extremely poor job of making the game social. You have to go outside the game in hopes of doing raid content or find teams for PvP. All of these coupled with a lacking story until the first major expansion.... hence, my recent stance to test or demo games first.

      Which bring me to the Division beta. I have been keeping a watchful eye on this game in hope that it will be good and be the nice blend between shooter and RPG I have been looking for. I was unable to get into the Closed Beta cause I didn't preorder. From the few streams I managed to watch during the Closed Beta, I did like what I saw, including the PvP. This will probably be one of those games where Harley won't play with me due to the style of the game. The one good thing though, with the open beta, I will get my chance to test both Xbox and PC. This will allow me to see if my current computer can keep buggering on and hold together just a little while longer. I hope Division lives up to the hype, but it is a matter of wait and see.

Time to be Badasses!

        So I am beginning Final Fantasy 13-2 and have to say it has some nice improvements from 13. While playing through the game, I am taking breaks and enjoying Season 5 of Diablo 3. This season, I decided to do something different and leveled up a wizard. I have to say, it is a nice class and the build I have for him is ok. However, I felt like I couldn't keep up with my friends. So, I went back and leveled up a Barbarian again. After several nights of shit loot drops, and being dragged through Torment 10 rifts, I finally managed to get some gear together for the Furious Charge build. Last night, I started off barely being able to hold my own. By the end of the night and five brand new pieces of gear... I am Badass! I managed to do a greater rift 45 in 3 minutes and change. I was so proud of myself! Now I need to refine my build a bit for survivability as greater rift 50 is whooping my ass.

        Hopefully tonight, Harley and I will be able to push beyond greater rift 50 and get higher on the leaderboards. She doesn't care much for that, but I like to be competitive. I honestly like the changes they made for Season 5, along with the new zones. I just hope Blizzard doesn't get too laxed and keeps pumping out the content.


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