Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Time to tap the brakes....

Ok so I finally got off my ass and dusted off this blog as I have some things to rant about. This is going to be short so no TL;DR. Some good, some bad..... 

So let's start with the good

So for 2016, I decided to do something different for gaming. Just after New Years, I realized that I had a lot of gaming that I either never played or never completed. I started right down a list of all those games and came across 32 total games. Seeing that list, I realized my mission for 2016: Game Completions! 

The first game right off the bat, was Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Harley and I completed that one in no time and had a blast doing. The Borderlands games have always been a good source of enjoyment for us. It felt good to finally complete it as we barely played it when it first came out. Next game up on the list is the Final Fantasy XIII series. I owned all of them for my Xbox 360 but traded that and all of my games to help get Harley an Xbox One for Christmas. Time to finish what I started a while back. I will continue to update the blog with my status as I try to clear 32 games in a year. 

Now for the bad...

Until I can replace my current computer, my days of streaming are over. Due to an aging computer with ongoing issues, and an internet stability issue that continues to linger, I am going to stop streaming until such a time that I feel confident to start streaming again. What highlights I have I will try to save before cleaning my channel off. This is something I am not doing lightly but necessary for me to focus on other things instead of beating my head up against a wall constantly. I want to thank all of those on Twitch and Twitter for the support and encouragement for the past two years. Even though I obtained a very small following, I can say without a doubt that they are good friends! I will continue to still lurk in some Twitch channels and support some fellow streamers. For now though, I must bid farewell to streaming.

I honestly have to say, I hate starting things and not following through. I felt like I have had to back out of some many projects the past couple of years. At the same time, I know that as of late, my priorities have had to change as I become a husband to Harley and step-dad to her kids. It will always be a struggle with me between my ideas and dreams versus reality.

As for my YouTube channel, I may try to work on that a bit more. I have to figure things out and see what I want to do with that. I'm not sure if I want to do a Let's Play or maybe a "Rants" commentary on the games I play. I don't know yet but I will keep everyone posted.

That's it for this post. I hope to have more by the end of the week but more than likely I will be back next week as I get my head together. 

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