Monday, August 24, 2015

Final Fantasy XIV Story Completed….QUEUE VICTORY MUSIC

This weekend was a mad dash of sorts for both Harley and I, as we set out to finish something we have been working on for four months: Finishing the Final Fantasy XIV Main Story and Heavensward. For those reading this and wondering “Why the fuck did it take you so long?” Well, when two adults love each other, one has kids and school while the other has a busy job….game time is limited. Plus for those not versed in Final Fantasy XIV, the story line is long….I mean long! Let’s break it down:
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
2.0 – 50 levels for Main class, 15 for side class, 7 Dungeons, (more if you do the side quest for them), 3 Trials, (mini-dungeon w 1 Boss) 2 Raids
2.1 – 18 Quests, 1 Trial
2.2 – 20 Quests, 1 Trial
2.3 – 19 Quests, 1 Trial
2.4 – 19 Quests, 1 Dungeon, 1 Trial

2.5 – 8 Quests, 1 Dungeon, 1 Trial
2.55 – 16 Quests, 1 Trial
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
3.0 – 94 Quests, 6 Dungeons, & 3 Trials

              So as you can see, that is a lot of content to burn through to get to the current end game for a brand new player. So this took us a while, even with taking a minor break from the MSQ to level other classes. In the end, it was worth it! The story was amazing from the beginning. Some points lagged a bit, but no story is without lag points. The game itself is a breath of fresh air from some of the other MMOs in town. Square Enix stuck to their guns and told an amazing story, all the while delivering an amazing class system that allows one toon to play any class. This is a big plus to me since I tend to try other classes and don’t like having to log onto another toon every time I want to play something different.
              Another one of my many enjoyments from FF14 is that they make all content relevant. Meaning once you are done with a dungeon, you can still go back and do it with friends, regardless of your level. This allows for more social interactions and a better community. Plus SE puts out incentives for endgame players to run a “leveling dungeon” via a roulette system. This helps out new players by lessening the queue times and bringing in experienced players to help.
Along with the story, these features have made the game worth playing and to continue paying for my sub. When I went back to World of Warcraft in 2013, I had hoped it had changed from the days of Burning Crusade and Wraith of the Lich King. Sadly, it had not. I stuck with it and the toxic community that it has created in order to play with my girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing people who play WoW and are the best people I have come to know in life. How do I know these people? Cause I follow them on Twitter! That’s right you sexy people, stay classy!

After experiencing Warlords of Draenor, three guild changes, two server transfers, and a bunch of stress… I had to make a change. So needless to say I have left Azeroth behind for good and my new home is on Eorzea! If you wish to hit me up, look for me on the Cactaur server as Angelus Ironshield (Big tanky looking dude) in the Free Company, GreySky Armada.

In the meantime, peace out people!

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