Friday, August 28, 2015

Sometimes, you just have to walk away...

     So, today has been like any other day today: work, a little twitter, and adult stuff (bleh). All was fine in my world until I received a rather nasty DM concerning my recent posting of Final Fantasy 14 stuff and that I am bad mouthing World of Warcraft. I actually took to time to explain my recent change in gaming and that my opinions are my own and should be taken as such. The response received back was that of an immature child. Since I have little time for drama, that was a quick unfollow and block for that jackass.

Now this is the story....

     Now, except for a few close friends, I have never really stated why I left World of Warcraft for Final Fantasy 14. Time to tell the story of drama and bullshit. Since my return to Azeroth in late 2013, I played on the Zul'jin server, horde side. I play with my girlfriend, Harley, and we had a blast. I was quick to get back into raiding again and enjoyed tanking on my Paladin. We bounced around a few guilds trying to find a fit until we joined one that was run by a friend of Harley. It was a fun bunch that raided with some casual members. At times this made raiding a bit difficult but still manageable. We raided Siege of Orgrimmar and  managed to down Garrosh after some raid team adjustments. We stuck together for Warlords of Draenor expansion, managed to get some raiding going and then things changed.

Raid check: Yourself

    When Blackrock Foundry came out, we hit a major wall in trying to do Heroic mode. Some of the casual players that we raided with just weren't willing to do what was needed to help down bosses. This put major pressure on the "elite" raiders to carry them. After a crap ton of tries, the raid team broke apart. Not one to fade into nothing, I began looking for a new raid team/guild. In the next 3 months I changed from tanking to healing, bounced from three different guilds across two servers and factions. Yes...I one point I even went alliance....*shudders*.

     I finally found a guild that wanted me to join their raid team as a healer. At first things were going good. I was still getting used to healing, but was pulling my weight. We started doing Mythic Blackrock Foundry and things got stressful. We were wiping on bosses and it seemed that I was letting the team down. So I kept pushing myself, digging through the numbers, theorycrafting, developing UI setups, performed lucky dances, and even had my own pair of lucky boxers. This last for about a month before I started to stress out badly. It was at this point that I began thinking of canceling WoW all together. I avoided raid for two weeks before finally telling my raid leader that I was taking a hiatus. He immediately responded with "Ok. We kicked you out cause you sucked anyways."

    I almost destroyed one of my computer monitors that night.

Time for change.

      At this point, I wanted something different, something new, with less toxic assholes. I began looking through my huge list of MMO accounts. I finally came to Final Fantasy XIV and remembered how much I enjoyed it but couldn't sustain it and WoW at the same time. So I dusted the game off and resumed playing on my paladin on Siren. I started leveling again, enjoying the story, while trying to remember what all happened. One night, Harley stopped by my house and saw me playing it. Her curiosity was peeked and she wanted to know more.

     After explaining the game and some of the systems, as soon as I showed her how one toon could play all classes... she was sold. Then began our fourth month long journey of leveling in FFXIV. (See previous post for that bit)

       In all, I don't have any major beef with World of Warcraft....maybe minor annoyances *coughs* lore *coughs* but don't we all. Personally, the change to FFXIV meant a fresh start, new story, and a so far amazing community. I have encountered a few asshats, but so far very few. I feel like I have finally found a great guild again...sorry, I meant Free Company. Will there be a point I try WoW again?...who knows. I'm still uncertain of how I feel about the next expac, Legions.

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