Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Same toon, different class

      Over the past few weeks as I have progressed further with my paladin, I began to notice more and more that there seemed to be an over abundance of tanks in FFXIV. This seemed odd as in most MMOs, healers and tanks are the most needed players in groups and raids. Last night was a bit of an eye opener when Harley and I tried to do dungeons with the Free Company we play with on Cactuar, only to find out that a lot of people were tanks, with no damage dealing classes available. While we could have easily grabbed pugs to run the dungeons we needed, we both saw the problem....a problem we have never ran across before.

     For the first time since playing MMOs, I felt completely useless. I felt as if I couldn't contribute like I normally do playing a tank class. This quite literally bummed me out to the point where I almost logged out for the night.

      "Why don't you just level another class?"

      If I had a dollar for every time my girlfriend would bring me to my senses with simple logic, let's just say money would never be an issue. This was something that never seemed to cross my mind as I have always felt that tanking in my niche in MMOs. So for the first time last night, I began to make the change to a damage dealing class as my main class. I've always played a damage dealer as an offspec or alternate toon. Never have I ever created a damage dealer as a main. This was both exciting and a bit nerve wracking as this was a first for me.

      So began the brainstorming: Ranged vs Melee? Cloth vs Armor? Light beer vs. Dark?

Ranged vs. Melee

     The age old question: Attack from afar or get in close? Playing FFXIV has provided me a chance to taste all classes while Harley was in classes some night. I even manged to level up Summoner and Scholar to level 50. While healing as a Scholar seems fun and Summoner seems kinda like a Warlock from World of Warcraft, they just didn't seem.....right. So I messed around some more, trying our Rogue, Pugilist, and Archer. I finally came to the lancer. After playing for a bit, it was like dropping a big fat nuke on a town of zombies while walking away from the explosion..... total badass! I get to poke monters, bad guys, bosses, etc with a pointy stick....a BIG pointy stick....of death!

Light Beer vs. Dark?

       Sorry, dark beer every time. Gotta keep those Irish ancestors happy :p

A New Chapter...

       So I've put the sword and shield down for now and have picked up the lance as I begin the leveling process.....again. I managed to get to level 25 before going to bed.Thankfully, Harley will be right by my side.... leveling another healer class :p

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