Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Release the CajunGeek!

     So, here I am sitting at the mind going 60 miles per hour, waiting for the inevitable impact on a topic for my blunt, honest, and foul mouth opinionated self to rant and rave on. Until then let's set the record straight. I don't have to prove you, your buddies, or your mommy and daddy my geek cred. That is just a pissing contest for trolls and I don't have the time. I've been called the walking Wikipedia of useless information by most people. Don't like what I know...well you can go take a long walk off a short pier. I am who I am, believe what I believe, and don't make a damn excuse or apologize for the fact. I accept everyone for who they are regardless of whatever, and expect the same in return.

     Still here and reading? Well then, we may just have some fun. This blog is the express opinion of my gaming and technology obsessed persona. Take everything I say as what I believe and feel, which can changed based on evidence presented to me in a logical and intellectual argument (in layman terms: If your talking out your ass about something, I'll just freakin ignore ya.). I'll talk about what I'm playing, technology I'm messing with or find interesting, and other random bits. My personal life, religious beliefs, political opinions, and sexual orientation, let alone everyone's else, is off-fucking-limits!! Take those discussions elsewhere as I don't have time for the real world drama of a bunch of morons.

     Now as far as how often I will post a blog.... who knows. I'll do what I can, when I can. My current obsessions are Final Fantasy 14: ARR, Diablo 3,Skyforge, Heroes of the Storm, Batman: Arkham Knight, and Rocket League. Former obsessions were World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Star Wars: The Old Republic.  I play on both PC, Xbox One, and WiiU with a little discrimination towards PlayStation.

     Well that's it for now. My mind is still racing, but I think I have an idea of my first target for my second post. Until then, stay classy and game on you sexy people!

Peace out!


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